Artist Profile

佐々木潤 Jun Sasaki(Pianist/Songwriter/Producer/Worship Leader)

牧師家庭に生まれる。幼少期をハワイ、イギリスで過ごし、7才よりクラシックピアノを始め、独学で作詞、作曲を行うようになる。大学時代にレインボーミュージックを立ち上げCDを8枚制作、日本各地でコンサートを開催。2008年 ニューヨーク、ロンドン、パリでもコンサートを開催し成功を収める。
CGNTV「我が魂の賛美シーズン2」「Holy Session」のホストを務め、様々なアーティストと共演する。
CD付き写真集「STYLE JUN」、ピアノアルバム「Gentle Breeze」「Blessing Life」を発売。
2021年「CHRISTMAS STORY」、2022年「ふれて」発売予定。

Born as a minister’s child. Spent his childhood in UK and Hawaii. Started to play the piano from seven years old, starting from the classical piano he learned to play popular music style in a worship service freely. As a college student he started his own music ministry called “Rainbow Music” which he wishes to bring hope and a future to the world.Rainbow is the symbol of hope and a future, taken from the scripture Jeremiah 29:11
After producing few worship CD he started to lead worship in a larger congregation ,as well as doing concert as a pianist with his sister Shizuka.
Now he collaborate with lots of artists ,writing songs and playing piano for them.
It is his dream to export the Japanese worship song to the world.

He’s loves to do interior designing and loves coffee as well!
His interest is not just on the music but on other things.He is taking class of  French Cooking School and British Style Royal Flower Arrangement.

He is also a father of three kids.



佐々木静 Shizuka Sasaki(Vocal/Flower Arrangement/Tole Painting/Cooking)



Born as a minister’s child.SIster of Jun. Spent her childhood in UK and Hawaii.
She was talented for creative arts, from her childhood. Begin to sing with his younger
brother Jun in Church. She began to be the main vocalist for Rainbow Music, involved in various recording and doing concert all over Japan.
Her cristal clear voice and pure heart moves lot of audience through her music and her message.

She has multi talent of making sweets , art painting , flower arrangement , coordinating the Concert and the Event.