レインボーミュージックジャパンは、1998年佐々木潤によって「レインボーミュージック」としてスタートしたワーシップミニストリー。当時のワーシップソングはほとんどが海外の訳詞であったため、「いろんな訳詞が存在するため一緒に歌えない」「本来の意味を訳せず歌詞が伝わらない」などの問題を抱えていた。世界に通用する日本オリジナルの賛美を日本から世界に輸出したい、というビジョンを掲げ、当時大学生だった潤がビジョンに共感してくれた仲間とともに祈り会から始った。様々な困難を乗り越え、ファーストアルバム「Send me」をレコーディング、発売する。コーラスにはゴスペルシンガーのベドウ路得子、コパンの堀井栄治、祥子が参加。発売と共に大きな反響を呼び、その年のゴスペルベストアルバム賞銀賞を受賞。
翌年、「We Stand」およびピアノソロ「Healing Worship」をレコーディングし発売する。We Standには、現在活躍中のゴスペルシンガー内藤容子、松田牧人師がコーラスとして参加。その頃からユース主体の賛美集会やイベントに数多く出演し、帝国ホテルで開催されたVIP日比谷や渋谷を拠点としたVIP-youthへもレギュラーとして活動し、活動の幅が広がっていった。
2000年クリスマスアルバム「First Noel」を発売。この時期よりハレルヤミュージックの山川哲平師、真紀子がメンバーに加わる。このアルバムに収録された【詩編103】はやがてレインボーミュージックを代表する曲となる。またこの年初の沖縄ツアーを行い、シュガーホールにて「VISION21」という初の賛美集会を開催する。潤の結婚と同時に対外的な活動を一時休止する。
2003年からは自身の所属教会である柏グローリーチャペルにて賛美集会「Worship Explosion」をスタートし、継続的に開催。またその年TV番組「ライフライン」に活動が取り上げられ、そこで歌った新曲「You are precious」が反響を呼び、2005年にアメリカナッシュビルにてジェフネルソンのプロデュースのもとレコーディングを行う。翌年2006年シングル「You are Precious」を発売。有線放送でも採用され、カラオケを発売したことから、多くのアーティストにカバーされる曲となる。同年開催されたGポップコンテスト準グランプリを受賞する。2007年ようやくナッシュビルでレコーディングした静のソロアルバム「フォローユー」を発売。ジェフネルソンも来日し、発売記念ツアーを各地で開催。
2008年ニューヨークへの道が開かれ、コンサートツアーを行う。その際、サックスプレーヤーのSteve SacksとのCo-Produce、同じくサックスプレーヤーの北守一生の協力により「Over the Rainbow」をレコーディングする。ピアノと歌というシンプルなスタイルであったレインボーミュージックジャパンのコンサートスタイルをそのまま収録した。またワーシップを取り入れていない教会のために賛美歌「いつくしみ深き」や「一羽の雀に」などのスタンダード曲も収録する。ニュージャージーのスタジオでの収録は、木のぬくもりが感じられるアコースティックで暖かなサウンドになった。同スタジオにて「光を下さい」、ピアノのソロアルバム「Gentle Breeze」も収録する。
2014年には、星野富弘の詩に曲をつけて歌うプロジェクトに参加。群馬県の富弘美術館のイベントをはじめ、渋谷山手教会などでコンサートを行う。イベントの様子はNHKの番組にも紹介される。2015年1月にCD「Colors of Tomihiro Hoshino」が発売され、各地でコンサートも開催。また同年クリスマスにはクリスマスコンピレーションアルバム「The Gift」を発売。その中で潤が提供した曲「クリスマスの奇跡」が好評を得る。
Rainbow Music Japan started in 1998 by Jun Sasaki as “Rainbow Music,” initially as a worship ministry. At that time, most worship songs in Japan were translated from foreign languages, leading to issues like the inability to sing together due to various translations and a lack of understanding of the original meanings of the lyrics. With a vision to export original Japanese worship music to the world, Jun, then a university student, began the journey with like-minded individuals who shared his vision, starting from prayer meetings. Overcoming various challenges, they recorded and released their first album, “Send me,” featuring gospel singers Rutsuko Bedo, Eiji Horii, and Shoko on the chorus. The album received significant acclaim, earning the Silver Award for Best Gospel Album of the year.
The following year, they recorded and released “We Stand” and the piano solo album “Healing Worship.” “We Stand” featured gospel singers Yoko Naito and Pastor Makito Matsuda on the chorus. They began actively participating in youth-focused worship gatherings and events, becoming regulars at International VIP Club events in Tokyo. In 2000, they released the Christmas album “First Noel,” which included the song “Psalm 103,” which would eventually become one of Rainbow Music’s signature pieces. They also held their first Worship Event, “VISION21,” during their inaugural Okinawa tour. Jun temporarily paused external activities due to his marriage.
Around this time, the desire to export original Japanese worship music to the world grew stronger, leading to a name change to “Rainbow Music Japan.”
Starting from 2003, Rainbow Music Japan began hosting worship gatherings called “Worship Explosion” at their home church, Kashiwa Glory Chapel, and continued doing so regularly. Their activities were featured on the Christian TV program “Lifeline,” where their new song “You are precious” gained traction. In 2005, they recorded in Nashville under Jeff Nelson’s production. The following year, they released the single “You are Precious,” which received airplay on cable radio and led to numerous cover versions by other artists. They also won the Semi-Grand Prix at the G-Pop Contest held that year. In 2007, they finally released Shizuka’s solo album “Follow You,” recorded in Nashville under Jeff Nelson’s guidance, followed by a promotional tour in various locations.
In 2006, they met Akiko Nishimura, a prominent figure in Japan’s gospel scene, and launched a gospel choir at Kashiwa Glory Chapel. A collaboration with Akiko Nishimura gave birth to “Commit Your Way to the Lord,” arranged for the choir, which became a staple in concerts. From this time onwards, they annually produced the “Gospel Christmas” concert featuring Akiko Nishimura’s choir. Concurrently, their collection of Christmas trees and ornaments became increasingly sophisticated, importing ornaments and trees from the US and Europe and expanding into tree coordination for other churches.
In 2008, doors opened for a concert tour in New York. They recorded “Over the Rainbow” with saxophonist Steve Sacks and Kazuki Kitamori, maintaining their signature simple style of piano and vocals. They also included standard Hymns like “What a friend we have in Jesus” and “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” to cater to churches not incorporating worship music. Recording in a New Jersey studio resulted in warm, acoustic sounds. In the same studio, they recorded “Light of the world” and the piano solo album “Gentle Breeze.”
In 2009, they toured Europe, performing concerts in Finland, London, and Paris, where their Japanese worship was warmly received in classical-leaning European churches. They released three CDs simultaneously at the end of 2009 and conducted a release concert. Subsequently, they began mentoring the gospel choir. They also started Jun Sasaki’s spontaneous talk internet radio show. Towards the year-end, they participated in the Gospel Linking, featuring various gospel artists. Collaboration with numerous artists deepened during this period. In 2011, Jun participated as a worship leader in “Bokura no subete,” a gathering of six leading worship leaders in Japan. That year, they held a concert in Hong Kong and formed a bilingual choir with local Japanese and Hong Kong residents, conducting workshops and concerts annually thereafter.
In 2013, they released two CD-photo books combining art and music simultaneously. The exhibition held to mark the release featured flower arrangements, paintings, and photographs, attracting over 700 visitors. They also received positive feedback for their nightly live performances. This release marked the beginning of a new style of concerts nationwide, incorporating flower arrangements and piano improvisations.
In 2014, they participated in a project setting music to poems by Tomihiro Hoshino, holding concerts at events such as the Tomihiro Museum in Gunma and Shibuya Yamate Church, which were featured on NHK programs. In January 2015, they released the CD “Colors of Tomihiro Hoshino,” followed by concerts nationwide. That same year, they released the Christmas compilation album “The Gift,” featuring Jun’s popular song “Christmas Miracle.”
In December 2017, they performed at the Municipal Christmas event held at the Kashiwa Civic Cultural Hall.